Estherville Daily News from Estherville, Iowa (2024)

a Attending National Labor Convention Mr. and Mra. Herb Fransen loft for Denver this morning where Mr. Fransen will represent eight Iowa labor unions at the national labor convention which will be there next week. Marriage Licenses Issued Francis M.

Reynolds, 28, erville and Betty Jean Beaver, 26, Estherville; Eldic W. Mustard' 21, Estherville and Kathryn Clark. 20. Estherville. Fined for Careless Driving Donald T.

Helmich, of Gruver, was fined $25 and costs after he pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving in Mayor Dan Howard's court today. A car driven by was involved in a traffic accident with a car driven by Alvin T. Stucland, rural route four of Estherville, at 1:45 a. m. today 150 feet west of 15th street on Central avenue.

Stueland's car, heading east on Central, collided with it. Estimated damage to the Stueland car was $32.59 to the left. rear fender, ding to police reports. The right back fender of the Helmich car also was damaged but no monetary estimate was available. Cars driven by Robert E.

Fay, of rural Estherville, and by A. H. Bixby, of Estherville, collided at 9:45 a. m. today 150 feet north of Central avenue on North Sixth street, police also reported today.

Fay was backing from a curb on North Sixth when his car collided with the Bixby car going south on North Sixth. Estimated damage to the Fay car was $52.65 the left back fender, tail light and bumper. The right front end of the Bixby car also was damaged but A monetary estimate was not available. Walton Family Fish Fry The annual Izank Walton "Faniily Affair" fish fry will be hold Monday night at 7 o'clock at the K. P.

hall. The event is sponsored by the Emmet county chapter of the Izank Walton league. To Appear on Television Glen Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Logan, will appear on a television program which will be broadcast from station WOI-TV Ames Tuesday, May 13 nt 9 p.

m. Mr. Logan is majoring in agronomy at Iowa State college and the program is being sponsored by that department. Mr. Logan is' an Air, Force ROTC student at Iowa State college and is to be assigned this summer to Hill Air Force bass in Ogden.

Utah. Good Rains Fall in lowa Des Moines, May 10 (P)-Good rains ranging to more than an inch at some points fell in Iowa during the past 24 hours to the accompaniment of cooler weather which saw mercury drop 88 low as 39 at Sioux City last night. The weather bureau said there is a good chance of scattered light frost in low places in northern IoWA tonight. Skies were clearing today after rains which ended in western Iowa about noon yesterday and over eastern Iowa during the night. Yesterday's highest Iowa temperature was 60 at Spencer and it was expected to be only slightly warmer today.

Most human cancer is found 1 in older people, but no age is exempt dont forget MOTHER: (m her day Give Mother a day away from the kitchen this Sunday Here's Our Mother's Day Special! Fried Spring Chicken Virginia Baked Ham Roast Sirloin of Beef only $100 PALACE CAFE Air Conditioned for Your Comfort Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Hits and Janice expect to spend tomorrow at Worthington with Mrs. Hiles' parents. Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Willey. Mr.

and Mrs. E. L. Farmer Jr. Mike and Mary Patricia, of Albert Len, will spend Mother's day at the E.

L. Farmer home. Verdar Sawyer, university in Des ang this Mother's with mother, yer. student at Moines is spend day week end Mra. Fern Saw- Mrs.

Claude Wayson and family of Jessup and Roland Anderson of Cedar Rapids arrived last night to spend the Mother's day week end with their mocher, Mrs. Harold Anderson, Christell Caywood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Caywood, who 13 student at A.I.B. college in Des Moines has been initiated into the national honorary business sorority.

Alpha Iota. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kornecke, Mary and Mike of Hawarden and Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Ullensvang. Tommy and Linda will be dinner guests 5 tomorrow of Mr. and Mrs Roy Bassett. Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Woodyard and children will gO to Spencer tomorrow to spend the day at the home of Mrs. Woodyard's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Higley. Mrs.

Evelyn Cormann and three children. who have been living in Omaha have arrived in Estherville to make their home with Mrs. Bormann's parents, Mr. and Mrg Tom Kinnard. Bob Hall GM2, and Mrs.

Hall left this morning for San Diego, where Hall will now be attached to the naval station as a gunnery instructor. He has served abonrd aircraft carrier USS Badoeng Strait for the past five one half years. Donna Roache, sophom*ore at the University of Minnesota, arrived Friday evening to spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.

Roache. Miss Roache was recently elected as a member of the board of Associated Business Students during the campus-wide spr. ing elections. She will serve for one year. The board serves a8 2 channel to present views and problems of both students and faculty.

Pleads Guilty to Manslaughter Toledo, May 10 (P) -Albert J. Peters, 55, Gladbrook, late yesterday pleaded guilty of manalaughter in. the May 19, 1950 killing of Mrs. Edna Murray, his neighbor, Judge B. O.

Tankersley sentenced Peters to eight years in the Fort Madison penitentiary. He had pleaded innocent earlier. The Gladbrook man found insane by a district. court jury here in August, 1950, and was sent to the ward for criminally insane at the Anamosa reformatory. He was returned to Tama county last December after pavchiatrists de.

clared him sane. HURRY! Grand HURRY! Show HURRY! WILLIAM HOLDEN ALLAN "ROCKY" LANE This Ends TONIGHT "Boots Malone" "Fort Dodge Stampede" NES GOT IDEAS! The laugh-happy story of a handsome young lawyer who couldn't say "no" to a lady in distress -any lady! RUTH- sh'e likes isn't sure Menn Ruth: the ideal FORD ROMAN DENISE DARCEL in M-G-M's YOUNG MAN WITH IDEAS she loves with DEMISE- Nina Foch the idea! Donna Corcoran SUNDAY and MONDAY GRANDI PLUS COLOR CARTOON "TIME GALLOPS ON" she's got SPECIAL: "Songs of Campus" ideas of LATEST PARAMOUNT NEWS her own! Student Varses Rescued from Niagara Gorge At Holy Family Hospital Mr. and urn. Laland Knutson of Graettinger are parents of a Ron born yesterday. Mrs.

George Ruhborg of Esther. ville entered the hospital yesterday for medical care. Mrs. Mary Clausen of Estherville! was admitted yesterday for modical care. Steven Peterson of Ringsted entered the hospital yesterday for tonsillectomy.

Jane and John Brown of RuthVon were admitted yesterday for tonsillectomies. Stephanie Thomson of Rodman entered the hospital yesterday for a tonsillectomy. Mrs. Clifton Sykes of Swea City was admitted yesterday for surgery. Douglas Jensen of Estherville entered the hospital vesterday for medical core.

Dismissals yesterday were Alfred Schreiber of Estherville, medical: Wilbur Thorndyke of Estherville, medical; John Helmer of Fenton, medical; Mra. Frederick Looft of Swea City, surgery: Mrs. Bert Lofkin of Armstrong. nurg. ery.

COLLISION- Continued from page car of young folks also was bound for Clear Lake, relatives said. Gary was A popular student and was an exceptional art student. He won A firat prize in the recent statewide high school art competition. Robert Havens participated in football. basketball, baseball and track at Iowa Fulls high school.

Besides his parents and older brother Jim, the Braga boy is survived by a brother Ronnie, also a junior and also at the prom, young brother, Steven, and three sisters, Mrs. Keith Schweke of Iowa Falls, Sherri Anne Frances, both at home. ROBERT HAVENS was the son of Mr. and Mra. Robert W.

Hnvens and he also is survived by two brothers, James and Gary, and a sister, Joan. The Cole girl is the daughter of Dr. and Mra. F. M.

Cole. The four young folks had stopped at the Cole home after the prom and gnthered food for 8 picnic which they planned to have when they got to Clear Lake. Iowa's 8th and 9th traffic deaths in the past 24 hours were those of James Dempater, 22, and his mother, Mra. Kathryn Dempater, 65, both Council Bluffs. They were killed yesterday in headon crash near Logan.

GENERAL- Continued from pare 1 big breakfast, her first substantial meal since news of the general's capture. Tired but refusing to show it, the striking, gray-haired woman said she was going to stay close to the telephone all day in hopes her husband would call from Koren. In the meantime, wellwishers were phoning to share in the good news. Three Marines Missing Quantico, May 10 marines were missing after their power-driven rowboat capsized on the Potomac river near here last night. Their nanieg were withheld pending notification of next of kin.

A fourth passenger In the bout, Sgt. Robert Leroy Davis, of Lincoln. swum to shore and WAN hospitalized. The Weather OFFICIAL TEMPERATURES Maximum' yesterday: 57 Minimum last night: 38 TODAY'S WEATHER 8 a. m.

Noon Temperatures: 42 48 Wind, direction: NWN Wind, velocity: 14 20. Barometer: 29.61 29.74 TOWA FORECAST cloudy, not 80 cool this afternoon. High 65 west, near 55 east. Fair west, partly cloudy cast tonight; scattered light frost northwest portion. Low tonight 34-40 northwest, 40-44 southeast.

Generally fair and warm Sunday, high 65-70. Further outlook: Fair with no important temperature change. MINNESOTA FORECAST Partly cloudy enst, mostly fair with frost and freezing temperatures west tonight. Sunday generally fair and warmer, Low tonight 28 to 34 northwest, 34 40 southeast. High Sunday 58 to 64 north, 62 to 68 south, THE Rexall DRUG STORE Your Prescription Specialists Pharmacists on Duty' Day and Night Serving your prescription needs promptly and efficiently.

Hoye Phone Stan 10 .19 r. tote 1: 1 ft 4.. of the Niagara pots tout Sivr hours at scale Rose matte Burke of Buffalo, and 1:.:3 Be 9 Dot Nicara a treated cat. and! 1' Niagara nt slipped and tot onbank the tent troth ant cute an I sir mad. her 1 to safe.

ent phoned Firemen pr. war on Her policemen mind 14 1: the sorte The BelAy 1 bout :3 fret belon puk tout. eta the fall 4 Arrest Blonde for Deserting Marines MORE THAN HONEST change coins of larger for the parking meters Tavern. Proprietor Phil about a month ago and nickles into fruit jar. ARMSTRONG; Annual Dinner For Eighth Graders Held ate the peTRONA who denominations for pennies in front of the Friendly Stoll thought of the idea put in 70 pennies and mix On a card he wrote, "We Kirt from the Worthy Matron 40dl with the admonition "Keep Smiling." Daily News photo and trust your hondatly Parking motel change I.rt' krop it at a dollar.

Wayne Butter of Father sitte Can be seen making change ahite Otto Sualso bartender. looks on In two ureks the 111 the 'Jar rode to $2.06 Stell then took out orig 11221 dollar and the fund now at $1 30 The officers, visitora and chap. tor members were nerved 030 banquet nt the Methodist church by W. 8. C.

8. etrelo No. 1. The tables Were attractive with hottquota of pink carnations with smilax. lacy green and tiny green bouquet candles.

The nut cupa were silver colored and for favors, the matron had prepared tiny mat chets. At the evening seasion vinito: from Swea City, Entherville, Rust, Emmetaburx. Algona, Plover, and Deadwood, 4. were welcomed Distinguished visitors, worthy matrona and worthy patrona were presented and escorted to the Enat. Members for application nino were greeted.

Following the Initutory work trio wang "The End of Perfect Day," "Just an Old Fashioned Garden," and "An Evening Prayer." Members of the trio were Mra. John Wiley. Mra. Frank Cologrove and Mra. James Stillman.

A gift from the chapter was wonted to Mia. Sundbrix by Mom. Frank Pape and Mra. Stillman by enacting a clever skit. Mra.

Sund. borg and Mra. Randolph thanked the chapter and worthy matron and also gave inspiring talks. Each officer and the candidates received pink carnation gift from Mix. Mangold A committee nerved tofroshmentA from white covered buffet table decorated with stars and lighted tapers.

R. N. A. Holds Meeting. The R.

N. A. regular meeting WAN held Friday afternoon at the I. 0. 0.

F. hail with Mia. Elmer Schaefer, pant oracle, presiding. Mra. Eleanor Johnson, district deputy.

wan present. Tho degree practiced on their work for the district convention to be held soon nt Gruver. Mra J. A Huff and Ann entertained the group for refreshments nt the Ent Aldo cafe. l'ant Noble Grands Meet.

Past Noble Grand circle met Turadny evening in the home of Mra. Jons Wolby with Mra. Fred Johnson of Ringsted AN host ens. Mra. Corn Gibbons Wan In charge of the entertainment which included humorous rend.

ing: "Paindras Deniatry" by Mra. Arnold Willson. Eleven member worn present. Honored on 80th Birthday. In obses vance of her 80th birthday anniveranry Mra.

F. R. Mon waN guest of honor at party Tuesday afternoon. April 29. nt the home of her granddaughter, Mtr.

Elmer Rosbury, at Fairmont. Other guenta for the courtesy were the honoree's daughters-in-law. Sira. F. R.

Johnson Jr. Si rm. Clarence Johnson and Mra. Ernest Johnaon. and her granddaughters, Mrs.

Vern Dahma, Min. Ted Volding and non. MIn. K. Schuster and children and Mra.

Marion Darien and children. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cariaon bad ILA Hunday, Mr. and MIn.

Henry W. Atoetvel and Mr. and Mra. Emil W. Andermon of Litchfield.

Minn (.. A. Robinson, Rob Inson and Mra. Harry Weener st tended funeral services for the former's niece, Mra. Clara hawer, hold Tureday afternoon tat 8 Siamon City.

NOTICE! Anyone Interested in joining a flying club soon to be organized is asked to attend an organizational meeting at the administration bullding at the city airport Monday, May 12, 8:00 o'clock. Harry Coffie Flying Service Bov. 9. Lives Too Well. Admits He Took Purse Dex Moines, Mny 10 (Ah.

year old boy whose generous but of home dubious financini origin was 10 due for a conference with juventio officers today Out of $238 neat which he acquired when he took woman's In a theater, the Ind $70 10 him brother and SAN to other gave little boys and girls. 110 kept only $76 for himself, The trouble wax 111. mother be. 19 to take notice of him high liv ing and who told police she couldn't understand how bet could be doing well. P'olice recalled that 4111 May MIn.

Albert Nordstrom. manager of the Forcat theater. reported her purse was taken from under a can dy counter in the lobby Under questioning the year old admitted he took the money. hi under his front porch. and then lived well When you buy empty out of st.

cardboard 1.0d Into an See cube tras if Von want 11 to stay hard, cardboard am no tomulator sh*te the met 21 lee rube tias conduct eta quickly. Toledo 0. May 10 Tolceto police arroatet f'rt Refftt. 3.1. blonde and pretty, on a charge of deareting the marine 1 didn hate any trouble quit ting my Job to Join the marines.

told police. "and I don't are holy pinking such quit the marines She'd joined the marines after with her boy friend, she or pained to Police Hat. Margaret Nater On 9t Patrick's day and her boy friend made up. shr maid. no nhe just derided to go tack him l'ottee hell her on wArrAnt charging deerrtion from the tine base al Camp he N.

BY VERA HEATHMAN The annuni dinner for the Armstrong cighth gradera and their teachers war held Tucaday evening. April 29, nt 6:30 in the Shore room of the Gardaton hotel in Exthorville. The clums motto, "Not the Top But Climbing" was the basis of the banquet theme which WAR "Ladders." The class colors, pink and green, and the class flower, apple blossoms, were used in decorating also. Two ladders painted dark green color and decked with apple blossoms were on each aldo of the entrance to the banquet room. Bouquets of tulips, jonquils and green carnations along with pink and green paper atreamers decorated the tables.

Nut cups were miniature books and the place cards were pink and green ladders with tiny figures climbing Dinne Robinson WAX tonstmistresa for the program. Joe Madden gave the Invocation. Nino girls of the eighth grado class known the Melloctten, anng "Painting the Clouds With Sunahine." They mo Diane Robinson, Maxine Hypos, Janet Halverson. Marilyn Haworth, Cherie Kingston, Mary Jane Higley, Dorothy Cassom. Helen Cheever, and Marlene Arkeland.

Mr. Ortmeyer spoke interestingly on "How To Vic Horswell Enve the class history: Marilyn Haworth followed with humorous claRa prophecy; Mra. Robert Hanson gave the group some good advice using n8 her topic, "The Main Mra. Larry Stafford closed the program with the tople "Keep Climbing." Following the banquet all attended the show "David and Bathsheba." Hostess to Camp Fire Girls. Alicen Paulson war hostess of the Eli-se-hi Camp Fire meeting afternoon.

The completed booklet covers were displayed and programs were made for the Parent party to be held May 15 at the home of Alice Burkhend. Boxes of candy were handed out and each girl will well seven boxes. Work will be started at the next mooting on gifts for the mothers. Entertains at Coffin Party. Mrs.

Sidney Carlson entertained coffer party Tuesdny, after. noon for Mra. Pollard. Mrs. Carrie Vigdul, Mrs.

H. E. Rasmussen, Mra. Herman Anko. land, Mrs.

Elmer Schaefer and Mrs. L. H. Locker. Holds School, Instruction.

schoonet chapter Instruction OE8 Wednesday hold of last week at the Masonic hall with Mra. Bernice Sundberg of Laurens, Grand Conductress, district instructor. Preceding the afternoon's work Mra. W. I.

Mangold, worthy matron of Emmet chapter entertained at a noon luncheon at the East side cate for her officers, MIn. Sundberg, Mrs. Mary Randolph of Havelock, Grand Esther, and Mra. Frank Pape. Pink tapers and pink snapdragons adorned the lunch.

eon tabica. At ench place WaLK 8 In the parlance of amateur do operalora 1A lady who operatca a radio station. Fatherville, Town, Daily News May 10, 1052 1. Graduation Cards mambared be clod fine Hallmark Gradua tion Card. Chome from our complete ESTHERVILLE DRUG CO.

"Your Corner Drug More" Cook and wash on your Refrigerator SAVE SPACE! SAVE MONEY! (D 4.0 Ideal for CABINS AND MOTEL TRAIL.ERM HOTELS APART. MENTA AMALI. HOME with GENERAL'S COMPLETE KITCHEN LINE Get complete kitchen refrigerator, stove, sink IN ONE UNIT. Also available with sink and refrigerator stove and refrigerator only. Or as many us ton different combination models to select from gas ol' electric (110V or 220V).

General's kitchen units are designed for wherever there is reed for a kitchen in limited space, or on limited budget. Range heat does not affect tor temperatures because of Owens-Corning FiberCertified for Quality SOL' glas insulation. carry, 5. Compres- year guarantee. L.K Model G.

J. TIMMERMANN CO refrigerator, 12-in. cu. 16- ft. R-520 combines 4 a in.

one- piece porcelain sink, drainboard and splash, 3 gas burners and Davenport Dre Molars large storage drawer, all in less than 5 square feet of space! G. J. CO Yes. I'm Interested la General's Serenport Drs Molars C'omplete Kitchra Idar, wad me FREE llerature. NADIE.


Estherville Daily News from Estherville, Iowa (2024)


What is Estherville Iowa famous for? ›

Meteorite. On May 10, 1879, a 455-pound meteorite fell to earth in Emmet County a few miles north of Estherville, and has become known as the Estherville Meteorite. When it struck it buried itself 15 feet in the ground.

What is the biggest newspaper in Iowa? ›

Top 10 Iowa Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. Des Moines Register. ...
  2. Quad City Times. ...
  3. Cedar Rapids Gazette. ...
  4. Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier. ...
  5. Sioux City Journal. ...
  6. Davenport Dispatch. ...
  7. Dubuque Telegraph Herald. ...
  8. Hawk Eye.

What river flows through Estherville, Iowa? ›

Des Moines River at Estherville, IA - 05476500.

What is Iowa's most famous? ›

Iowa ranks first in beef, pork, corn, soybean and grain production. One Iowa family farm grows enough food and fiber to feed 279 people. The world's first electronic digital computer was built and operated by researchers at Iowa State University in the 1930's.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most sold newspaper of all time? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesEnglish
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapanese
3The Asahi ShimbunJapanese
4USA TodayEnglish
16 more rows

What was the first newspaper in Iowa? ›

The first newspaper in Iowa was the Du Buque Visitor, established in 1836 before Iowa was a state. The current Dubuque paper, the Telegraph Herald, can trace its history back to the Visitor.

What is the history of Scarville Iowa? ›

History. Scarville was platted in 1899, and incorporated as a city in 1904. The city was named for Ole Scar, a local landowner.

What's in Estherville, Iowa? ›

Estherville is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:
  • Little Swan Lake Winery.
  • Swinging Bridge.
  • Fort Defiance State Park.
  • Schroeter Diesel Technology Museum.
  • Four Mile Lake Wildlife Management Area.

What is Southeast Iowa known for? ›

The Storied & Scenic Area is best known for:

Landscape and architecture that inspired Grant Wood and his colony of artists. Views of the Mississippi River.

What is an Iowa city named after a river of monks? ›

Des Moines takes its name from Fort Des Moines (1843–46), which was named for the Des Moines River. This was adopted from the name given by French colonists. Des Moines (pronounced [de mwan]; formerly [de mwɛn]) translates literally to either "from the monks" or "of the monks".

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.