Iqra Sembiring Future (2025)

1. Leadership Development in the 21st Century: A Modern Approach to ...

  • 19 nov 2024 · This research investigates the interplay between leadership development, modern approaches, and talent cultivation within the organizational ...

  • This research investigates the interplay between leadership development, modern approaches, and talent cultivation within the organizational context of PT. Alsindo Pekanbaru. Utilizing a quantitative research design and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with SmartPLS software, data were collected from 80 employees using random sampling techniques. The results reveal significant direct effects of Leadership Development and Modern Approach on Talent Cultivation, indicating their pivotal roles in shaping talent development initiatives within the organization. Additionally, indirect effects analysis demonstrates that Leadership Development and Modern Approach influence Talent Cultivation through the mediator of 21st Century Approach, highlighting the importance of aligning organizational strategies with contemporary paradigms. These findings underscore the significance of investing in leadership development tailored to meet the demands of the modern business landscape and embracing modern approaches to foster talent cultivation effectively. Such insights are invaluable for organizations like PT. Alsindo Pekanbaru in enhancing organizational agility, innovation, and long-term competitiveness in the ever-evolving marketplace.

2. Responding to Trends in Digital-Based Classroom Learning: Efforts ...

  • Jurnal Iqra': Kajian Ilmu pendidikan, 8 (1). pp ... These findings will provide new insights into future discussions of similar studies. ... Sembiring, Darmawanta ...

  • Through interviews with several academic activities and campus management at the University of Bengkulu, we have managed to obtain several data which are also backed up by secondary data from the publications we reviewed to answer the study themes which aim to respond to digital-based learning trends in efforts to improve millennial student learning outcomes. The author understands that the trend of using digital in learning is familiar. However, to gain new knowledge, we try to get direct data through conversations with staff and decision-making at the University of Bengkulu. We can analyze the results of both the interview data and the review of various sources under a phenomenological approach, in which, among other things, we coded data and revised the data to interpret the data. The latest data contains elements of validity and reliability that can be relied upon. Based on the study's results and available data, the University of Bengkulu believes that digital-based learning is a practical, transformative, and productive solution to improving the learning outcomes of Indonesian students who are said to be millennials. These findings will provide new insights into future discussions of similar studies. Keywords: Digital Base Classroom, Improving Learning Outcome, Digital Classrom Learning


  • The paradigm of Islamic education in the future: The integration of Islamic boarding school and favorite school. ... Pramesworo, I. S., Sembiring ... Jurnal Iqra': ...

  • This study delves into the transformative journey of technology-enhanced education within Islamic schools in Indonesia. As the largest Muslim-majority country globally, Indonesia stands at the intersection of tradition and innovation, presenting a unique context for the evolution of Islamic education. This research offers insights into the adoption of emerging technologies, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR), and the preservation of cultural heritage within the Islamic educational landscape. The findings highlight the pivotal role of technology in shaping the future of education, especially in nurturing a digital generation. Online and blended learning, personalized education powered by AI, and immersive VR experiences are revolutionizing the delivery of Islamic teachings. Indonesia's rich cultural diversity adds depth to these experiences as local traditions harmoniously merge with Islamic values. This study underscores the importance of technological integration in Islamic education and emphasizes the need for teacher training, inclusivity, and interfaith dialogue. It also calls for international collaborations to elevate the quality of education. Ultimately, the research emphasizes the alignment of technology with Islamic principles, ensuring that the digital generation emerges with a strong foundation in Islamic teachings, digital literacy, and a deep appreciation for Indonesia's cultural heritage. In today's rapidly evolving world, technolo...

4. International University of Japan on LinkedIn: Admissions

5. The Role of Customer Trust Toward Digital Sales and Website Visitor ...

  • 16 mrt 2024 · This study examines the variables that affect e-trust and e-satisfaction and how they affect e-loyalty. This study employs a conclusive and ...

  • This study examines the variables that affect e-trust and e-satisfaction and how they affect e-loyalty. This study employs a conclusive and descriptive research design, gathering data through survey-based methodologies. Researchers utilize a particular kind of survey called a questionnaire. Only one cross-sectional research design was used in this study. Non-probability sampling combined with a judgmental sampling strategy is the method employed for sampling. LISREL is used in this study to process data utilizing SEM methods. According to the research, e-satisfaction is significantly positively impacted by perceived delivery efficiency. It was discovered, nevertheless, that e-satisfaction was not considerably affected by website design. Aside from that, e-trust is not significantly impacted by website design. However, e-trust is significantly positively affected by online privacy and security perceptions. Furthermore, it was discovered that e-loyalty is significantly positively affected by e-satisfaction. Ultimately, it was found that e-trust significantly improves e-loyalty as well.   

6. Enhancing Male Students' Soccer Skills, Motivation, and Learning ...

  • 1 jun 2024 · Insights from this study have implications for educators, policymakers, and future empirical research. By embracing the potential of short ...

  • This conceptual study delves into the intricate dynamics surrounding the impact of short video techniques on male students' soccer education in Jiangxi Province, China. This research utilises a complete framework to investigate the interaction between many factors, including the independent variable of short video approaches and the dependent variables of soccer skills, learning motivation, and learning engagement. The conceptual framework visually illustrates the potential pathways through which short video techniques may influence male soccer education experiences. The paradigm considers the mediating functions of learning motivation and engagement while also considering moderating and contextual elements within the specific educational environment of Jiangxi Province. This study contributes to theoretical discourse by bridging innovative pedagogical methods with practical applications in soccer education. Insights from this study have implications for educators, policymakers, and future empirical research. By embracing the potential of short video techniques, educators can enhance soccer skills while nurturing intrinsic motivation and engagement. The significance of this study lies in its ability to guide educational practices and stimulate empirical investigations to validate hypothesised relationships. As male students navigate the realm of soccer education, this paper offers a valuable compass that enriches their learning journey in Jiangxi Province and beyond.

7. Optimizing The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In English Language ...

  • 8 feb 2024 · Suggestions for future research include ... Jurnal Iqra', 8(1), 68–73. Jaamaluddin ... Manongga, D., Rahardja, U., Sembiring, I ...

  • This research aims to explore and analyze applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in English language learning, focusing on tools such as ChatGPT, ELSA Speak, and Perplexity. The literature review involved a library research method to synthesize findings from various sources. The results identified a significant range of AI applications in English language learning, including conversational interaction, presentation creation, illustration tutoring, individualized tutoring, material creation, illustration creation, and voice generation technologies. The findings underscore the potential of AI to improve the interactivity, personalization, and efficiency of English language learning. Suggestions for future research include continued research on long-term efficacy, ethical considerations, equitable access, integration with traditional methods, and user experience. This research is vital in bringing an in-depth understanding of the transformation of language learning through the utilization of AI technology.

8. [PDF] Child Religious Protection for the Muallaf Family in Sibolangit District ...

  • Sembiring always takes the time to read iqra'. Besides that, Mrs. Septriana Br. Sembiring also finds it difficult to memorize prayer readings. Every time Mrs.

9. Vol 2, No 1 (2024) - E-Journal UNUJA



10. OUCI

  • Baryanto Baryanto, Darmawanta Sembiring ... These findings will provide new insights into future discussions of similar studies. ... , Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu ...

  • Open Ukrainian Citation Index - Відкритий український індекс наукового цитування

11. View of Relationship between the Village Head and the Village ...

  • ... Iqra Buru, Indonesia2)Universitas Muhammadiyah ... (Awaeh, 2017; Simbolon& Sembiring2015; Ngarsiningtyas& Sembiring 2016). ... The public's attitude towards an ...

  • Jurnal Administrasi Publik merupakan wadah bagi peneliti, staf pengajar dan pihak-pihak yang ingin mengembangkan ilmu di bidang Administrasi Publik, terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun.

12. Nationwide policymaking strategies to prevent future electricity ...

  • Nationwide policymaking strategies to prevent future ... SembiringI. Budiman. Agricultural and Food ... Iqra Ayaz. Environmental Science, Engineering. 2021.

  • Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Nationwide policymaking strategies to prevent future electricity crises in developing countries using data-driven forecasting and fuzzy-SWOT analyses" by Usman Safder et al.

13. Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Indonesian Millennial… - OUCI

  • Authors: Baryanto Baryanto, Darmawanta Sembiring ... Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaping Our World. ... Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan, 5(2) ...

  • Through interviews with several academic activities and campus management at the University of Bengkulu, we have managed to obtain several data which are also backed up by secondary data from the publications we reviewed to answer the study themes which aim to respond to digital-based learning trends in efforts to improve millennial student learning outcomes. The author understands that the trend of using digital in learning is familiar. However, to gain new knowledge, we try to get direct data through con…

14. Effect of seedling age on growth and yield of fine rice cultivars under ...

  • 9 sep 2020 · Jing CaoXiaoxiao LiFei WangJianliang HuangS. Peng. Agricultural and Food Sciences. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation ; H. SembiringErythrina ...

  • It is revealed that younger seedlings of fine rice could be a better option to obtain optimum fine rice yield under AWD. Abstract Use of older age seedlings of rice often decreased the yield in transplanted rice systems. However, the response of rice seedlings at different ages in transplanting system under alternate wetting and drying (AWD) is not well documented. Therefore, this study was endeavored to identify the suitable seedling age of fine rice cultivars in transplanted rice systems under AWD. Four seedling age treatments (20, 25, 30, and 35 days), and three fine rice cultivars (Chenab, Punjab, Kissan basmati) were arranged under randomized complete block design (RCBD). Two years (2017–2018) of studies demonstrated that overall younger seedlings (20 days old) increased rice growth phase (days taken to reach physiological maturity) after transplantation with less mortality rate, and quantified with higher water productivity. Younger seedlings (20 days old) produced 14.69% and 13.36% longer panicle, 19.36% and 18% more filled grains panicle−1 in both years (2017 and 2018) respectively as compared to the older seedlings (35 days old). Moreover, younger seedling (20 days) produced 22% and 22.92% kg ha−1 more yield in comparison to (35 days) older seedling in both years, respectively. However, cultivars also had significant differences in growth and yield production, and Chenab basmati showed vigorous growth and produced higher yield than Punjab and Kissan basmati. Furtherm...

15. ‪DARMAWANTA SEMBIRING‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

  • IS Pramesworo, D Sembiring, M Sarip, E Lolang, I Fathurrochman. Jurnal Iqra': Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan 8 (1), 350-370, 2023. 17, 2023. The influence of teacher ...

  • ‪POLITEKNIK PENERBANGAN JAYAPURA‬ - ‪‪อ้างอิงโดย 240 รายการ‬‬ - ‪perhubungan ekonomi pendidikan‬

16. Listen to THEDETSTRIKE - Kernkraft Records - SoundCloud

  • 28 mei 2018 · #Future House#THEDETSTRIKE#Show Me How#Kernkraft Records#House ... Satria Sembiring. LUCZEKO. benaddiction. 412 reposts. Enjoy the full ...

  • •Kernkraft Records - The Label Of Powerful Tunes• ➘Our Releases on Spotify: ♦ Free Download/Stream ♦ Listen on Spotify: THEDET

Iqra Sembiring Future (2025)
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