It was not a complaint so don't know why you needed to chime in. I understand the concept, maybe I should have rephrased but English is not my native language, also noticed how you did not talk about the subject at hand or respond to the OP which is why we are here for and simply came in just to show us your extensive knowledge and how you always have to say something when someone refers to Vortex in some negative way or complain which is what you ASSUMED i was doing about the storage, having said that maybe you want to answer the OP as he provided what you ask him for :wink:
Me so, so, .sorry all mighty perfect being of the universe Master Lord HadToRegister me no do it again please forgive me master......
Now on to the real reason i'm here UPDATE
My settings on vortex are for it to not close on launch of game so it hides on task bar, figured I would mention that to see if that could be part of the problem with others.
What I noticed today is the more I re-deploy without closing Vortex seems to be slowing it down like it's filling up with info or something( hope that makes sence) was there a change on that system in the last update maybe a caching problem or something similar?
Let me know if there is something I can do to test out more scenarios but so far those are my findings.
I didn't think you said something about Vortex in a negative way, I was just trying to correct a common misconception that quite a lot of people in this forum have about Hardlinks, and how they believe (like you said) that Hardlinks/Symlinks make Mods take up twice the space, when in fact they don't.
It's better to correct that so other people don't read that and start believing that Hardlinks/Symlinks are causing twice the amount of space being used up on the hard drive.
I can't help it if you took it as an attack, not everything said to you, is a personal attack, even though you apparently take everything as such.
The snarkiness and personal attack from YOU, was uncalled for and will be reported however.
Perhaps you should start your own thread instead of hijacking someone else's, seeing as the OP posted in January, using a different version of Vortex than the version of today.
Also notice that YOU didn't try and help the OP like I did, and you instead hijacked his thread for your own use, rather than starting a new one, so you yourself had no interest in helping the OP either, so there's no point trying to pursue that avenue of discussion.
Anyway, I'll let you figure out your problem on your own, somebody else will probably come along and help, once they suggest you start your own thread.
" Windows REPORTS that the files at the end of the hardlinks n the data folder take up space, but in reality they don't."
Yes 100% agree is a known fact to us who actually read, but on the other hand if windows says the space is not there's taking double even if it's fictional it still reports it. remeber 99% of people that do not read into what they use will just see go by what windows says and not by the explanations they are given, as you well know some are going to trust windows more then a dev saying the contrary. only the ones who actually read and dig into it get to know that fact.
but to be fair I see where you are coming from NOW that you explained that is was not by felling offended and more a correction of misinformation, but you have to give me that mistake and admit as your track record here in the forums proves me right.
This time I'll take your bait but you know I usually don't so i guess I'm the chosen one to keep you entertained today?
So now a playfull joke is called snarkiness? I know English is not my native language but when did that happen can't find it in the dictionary what I did find is "Snarky : Rudely sarcastic or disrespectful" and again unless I'm going crazy i did not do any of those in my previous post, who again is the one feeling attacked that can't take a light joke?
My only mistake was that I forgot write at the beginning of it was *in Gollum voice.
There are enough post proving what I said of how you react so I'm not going to get in to that..i guess you can't handle it, so i'll quote you "Anyway, I'll let you figure out your problem on your own"
If you are going to report me for that joke you call snarkiness, then you would have been banned the snarkiness you give out is 1000x fold and sometimes mean or/and rude and actually mean it!! mine was just playfull which you call snarkiness.
Since I like to learn to not repeat mistakes can you point out which rule violation you are going to report me on?
And gain I did not see a date (which by the way was the second post under the locked ones meaning most recent active) I saw the a PROBLEM just like mine and that's why I came in to provide my findings, info and help for all the reasons already expressed which at least is better then not answering a person after actually asking them to provide information.
Now back to thread:
Why would i open another one to just fill up the forum with the same subject makes no sense posting here is better because it is the SAME problem no matter if it's a different version.
I'm actually trying to help by reporting so far what i have done, settings and usage scenario to hopefully find a common denominator with others that might have the same problem.
So why would i make life more difficult for people coming in with the same problem and when they search they find 20 threads covering the same problem.
Reason I posted is because
1 It's the same problem
2 To help others the dev and myself or course.
So by me providing my findings and report them with settings and updating as I experiment with the issue (it's called trouble shooting) does not help the OP(now we know it's old but not the post above mine) or more importantly the DEV?
It's why I posted the way I did providing as much info, settings, and usage to better help pinpoint the possible problem and leaving the door open to do further testing if needed to HELP resolve it, not only for me but for ALL that might encounter this problem.
All that trouble of doing the test and such was to just to hijack this because we should not post info on the same problem if we are not the OP?
If a moderator can elaborate please I would believe it would be easier to track a problem if it's all under the same thread for the reasons mentioned above and as most forums work.
On a side note: Can we keep the thread relevant to the problem at hand in the op?
Now you are the one highjacking it with unrelated stuff, if you want you can always address me directly on msg. let's focus on THE PROBLEM, I will not further reply to you unless it's related to THIS problem.
FYI: Information is a form of help.
Have a great and blessed day! :smile: